Acne scars are one of the most annoying skin problems and
very much we come across. Moreover, if the acne scars are certainly a very
disturbing pocked appearance of your face.
Various ways you would have to get rid of acne scars on the
face hole, from using chemicals, to go to the beauty clinic. However, the
results obtained have not been fullest.
If the acne scar has already entered the stage of the most
severe possible you should also do a treatment which is a bit extreme. Do you
know what is a derma roller? So you're not curious what is derma roller, come
check out the explanation below!
What is a Dermaroller?
Dermaroller is a beauty treatment in the form of a small
roller with hundreds of small needle stick. The size of the needles starts to
0.2 mm to 3 mm. The selection of the size of the needle's future depends on the
function and condition of your facial skin.
For this type of acne scars that are still relatively mild,
usually used needles measuring 0.5 mm while in the case of acne scar that is
deep enough to use a needle size 1 mm - 1.5 mm.
The Function Of The Treatment Using A Dermaroller?
Dermaroller treatment serves to get rid of acne scars on
your face, such as pocked in the face. Acne scar is the structure of the skin
is already hardened and cannot be removed by normal way.
When the tool is in the roll on the face, then hands the
stick can penetrate the skin layers deep that can stimulate skin repair from
within. Surely you already know the right intake of collagen that is crucial in
repairing the skin.
On damaged skin, or dead skin, will not be able to subjugate
them. Therefore, with the help of a structure already the last derma roller
hardens the perforated so it stimulates the formation of new blood vessels, and
fibroblasts produce new collagen, so holes acne scar will gradually disappear
until the structure of his flat to the surroundings.
Well, that's a review about how to remove acne scars with a
derma roller. If the explanation above is no less obvious, or you want to share
your experience please comment below!. Hopefully useful ...